What Does a Management Company Do?

As with any association, someone needs to pay the bills, post owner payments, schedule meetings, etc.

An association can elect to use volunteers to do the work, hire its own staff to do the work, or hire an association management company.

A factor in the decision is that the State of Florida has very detailed laws in place that strictly identify how most associations must operate. The State of Florida has licensed individuals to be Community Association Managers (CAM's).

An association may be able to find a board member or owner who wishes to keep up with all the state laws and manage itself. An association may elect to hire their own CAM and have that person manage the association. The third choice is to hire an association management company that has a CAM.

Assuming the association does not want to do the work themselves, the traditonal thought is that the least expensive of the two remaining options is an association hiring its own CAM because association management companies can be very expensive.

This is where The Naybor Company changes the landscape. We are, indeed, less expensive than hiring one's own CAM or hiring the TRADITIONAL management company.